Relentless Women Warriors
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
2 Corinthians 10:3-4
Our Purpose
To encourage women to pray fervently as we become relentless warriors for God's army.
Spiritual warfare surrounds the life of Christian women, but few have been taught how the Bible teaches us to fight back. As a daughter of God, you are called to be a warrior so that you can experience victory against the enemy's assault.

Relentless Women Warriors Workshop
2019 Workshops to be announced soon!
We have a very real spiritual enemy that assaults women daily.
During the two day Warrior Workshop, we will take an in-depth look at what the Bible says about our enemy, his most common tactics against women and the purpose of our spiritual armor. We will dissect each piece of our spiritual armor, offering practical steps of application for your everyday life. By the end of the Warrior Workshop, you will have identified the most common attacks you face, while crafting a strategic battle plan that will tell you what to say when you are under spiritual attack.
Our enemy's primary purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. The purpose of the Warrior Workshop is to encourage women to wear their spiritual armor on so they can stand firm against our enemy and take the victory that Jesus has already won for us.

"I loved the workshop. My biggest take away is how to handle myself when bad things happen and to not turn to hate, or to harm myself. Kim just knows how to speak the word of God."
"My biggest take away is how I can be prepared when the enemy attacks and how to spot the difference between everyday life vs spiritual warfare."
"The workshop was biblical, actionable and up front about the reality of spiritual warfare."
~Allie D.
"I learned so much... A spark has been made and I am eager to learn more."
If you have questions about attending a Warrior Workshop or hosting a workshop at your church, please contact us.

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